6.5 On-Page SEO Writing Assistant (SWA)

Course Section Progress
Percent completed 86%

Checking On-Page SEO for a single troublesome page

Do you have an underperforming page? Find out why it’s failing.

On-Page SEO Writing Assistant offers a complete and structured list of things you could do to improve the ranks of pages on your website. You’ll receive on-page SEO ideas, semantically related words to include on your pages, target content length and readability, and backlink prospects. Our precise optimization ideas are based on the top 10 real-time competitors for each of your target keywords.

The SEO Writing Assistant tool is limited by the number of keywords you are able to gather ideas for each month. Each keyword analysis in SEO Writing Assistant is one unit, and your limit refreshes each month on the first day of the month.
So, if you have set 100 keywords in SEO Writing Assistant and are going to analyze these 10 times during one paid month, it would require 1000 units. If you love this tool, you may want to upgrade your plans because those credits can run out quickly if you are an active user!

As we mentioned before, with so much competition online, you need a robust tool to tell you exactly what to write! Click the thumbnail to load the video and improve your page content.

P.S. Be sure to sign up to the Beat Your Competition Online Facebook page to be notified of future developments!

On-Page SEO

Did you know???

SEMRush is the most popular SEO and link tool in the world, followed by Ahrefs. Combined, they eclipse the other 2 most popular tools (Spyfu and Majestic) by 143%.