4.4 SEO Difficulty Debunked with the Keyword Difficulty Tool

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How to deal with SEO difficulty in your keywords

Take the SEO difficulty out of digital marketing (a bit) with the Keyword Difficulty tool.

In this lesson, we will dive into SEMrush’s Keyword (SEO) Difficulty tool, which estimates how hard it would be to use SEO on a new webpage to hypothetically outrank the web pages that are currently ranking on the first two pages of Google.

Audience Bloom recommends 5 SEO difficulty strategies to outrank your competitors:

  • Identify Opportunities with Long-tail Keywords
  • Authority Isn’t Everything; Content is King
  • Social Signals Don’t Play Favorites; Use Them to Your Advantage
  • Focus on People, Not Search Engines
  • Don’t waste time by competing with your competitors on every keyword

With so much competition out for Search Engine Results Page (SERP) rankings, you need robust tools to decide where to compete. Click the thumbnail to load the video and get a better sense of which keywords are the low-hanging fruit.

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SEO Difficulty Keywords