4.2 Add Keyword Gap Analysis to your SEO Toolkit

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Do you know where the gaps are in your keywords?

Plug the gaps in your Search Engine Optimization today with Keyword Gap Analysis! 

In this lesson, we will dive into SEMrush’s Keyword Gap tool to learn which keywords you perform better than your competition and vice versa.

Let’s check to the SEO Toolkit in SEMrush and then click the menu for Keyword Gap to take you to the tool.

Keyword Gap offers a side by side comparison between keyword profiles of up to five competitors.

All you have to do is enter the domains and choose the types of keyword rankings (organic, paid, or PLA keywords) to analyze. The report will then show you all of the top opportunities for each site, total keyword overlap, common keywords shared by all sites and more.

This information is super beneficial to planning an SEO campaign as you can see exactly where the best opportunities lie in your niche. 

  • Instant SEO competitive analysis between you and your top competitors
  • See the unique keywords your competitor is ranking for that you are not
  • Organic, Paid, and PLA (Google Shopping) analysis
  • Visual charts of keyword overlap between sites
  • Ability to compare mobile as well as desktop keywords
  • Ability to compare subdomains, subfolders, and URLs (available with SEMrush’s Guru or Business subscription only)

Click the thumbnail to load the video and learn where the gap are in YOUR keywords!

P.S. Be sure to sign up to the Beat Your Competition Online Facebook page to stay abreast of all future developments!

P.P.S. As always, feel free to email us with ideas for improvement.

P.P.S., if you need some additional details, checkout the SEMrush Knowledge Base article of the Keyword Gap tool.

Keyword Gap Analysis

Did you know???

Number of businesses advertising on the Google Search Network: Over 1.2 million (Wordstream)